7 Chilling Locations in and Around New York: Where to Watch Out

7 Chilling Locations in and Around New York Where to Watch Out

New York is a vibrant city known for its iconic landmarks, bustling streets, and rich history. However, like any major metropolis, it has its share of eerie and unsettling places.

Here’s a look at seven chilling locations in and around New York that are worth knowing about—whether for their haunted histories, crime rates, or unsettling atmospheres.

1. The Brooklyn Bridge

While it’s a must-see for its stunning views, the Brooklyn Bridge has a darker side. Built-in the 19th century, it has been the site of numerous suicides and tragic accidents. Many believe that the spirits of those who died here linger on, and ghost tours often recount eerie encounters on the bridge, especially at night.

2. The Bowery

Once known for its seedy reputation, The Bowery has transformed over the years but still holds a shadowy past. It was notorious for its bars and flophouses in the early 20th century, where crime and violence were rampant.

Today, while gentrified, its history remains, and some locals claim to have experienced unsettling feelings when walking through the area.

3. Central Park’s The Ramble

Central Park is a beautiful escape from the city’s hustle, but The Ramble—a dense, wooded area—has earned a reputation for being a bit creepy.

7 Chilling Locations in and Around New York Where to Watch Out (1)

It’s easy to get lost among the winding paths, and stories of disappearances and strange occurrences circulate among visitors. Its secluded nature at night can make it feel particularly eerie.

4. The Stanley Hotel

Although technically in Colorado, the Stanley Hotel is a popular destination for those interested in paranormal experiences, with many New Yorkers visiting.

It inspired Stephen King’s “The Shining,” and reports of ghost sightings and inexplicable occurrences make it a chilling stop for horror fans.

5. The Bronx’s St. Mary’s Park

St. Mary’s Park has been the site of violent crime in the past, earning a reputation for being dangerous. While the park is beautiful, it’s wise to be cautious, especially after dark. Its history of crime can make visitors feel uneasy, prompting many to avoid it during late hours.

6. Coney Island’s Luna Park

Coney Island is a beloved summer destination, but Luna Park has a haunted reputation. Some visitors have reported ghostly encounters and unexplained noises coming from the rides.

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The park’s history includes tragic accidents, and the thrill of the rides can feel overshadowed by the tales of the past.

7. The High Line

This elevated park, built on a former railway line, is a beautiful urban oasis. However, it also holds an unsettling history.

As a former industrial site, the area was once bustling with life and activity, and stories of accidents and tragedies haunt its history. Some visitors have reported feeling a strange energy while walking along the High Line, especially in less trafficked sections.


New York City is filled with exciting places to explore, but it also has its share of chilling locations steeped in history and mystery.

Whether you’re a local or a visitor, being aware of these spots can enhance your experience—or perhaps encourage you to tread lightly when the sun goes down. From haunted bridges to eerie parks, these areas remind us that the city’s past is as vibrant as its present.

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