These Are the Five Deadliest Gangs Taking Over Tennessee

These Are the Five Deadliest Gangs Taking Over Tennessee

Tennessee has long been known for its rich culture, music, and history, but in recent years, it has also become a battleground for gang activity.

With the rise of violent crime in certain areas, several gangs have emerged as particularly dangerous, contributing to a significant increase in criminal activity. Here, we explore five of the deadliest gangs operating in Tennessee today.

1. Gangster Disciples

Originating in Chicago, the Gangster Disciples have expanded their reach into Tennessee, particularly in cities like Nashville and Memphis. This gang is involved in various criminal activities, including drug trafficking, robbery, and violent crimes.

The Gangster Disciples are known for their distinctive symbols, including a six-pointed star and the number “6,” which signify their affiliation.

Their presence has been linked to an uptick in gang-related violence in urban areas, leading law enforcement to prioritize efforts against them.

2. Bloods

The Bloods, a nationwide gang founded in Los Angeles, have established a significant foothold in Tennessee. Known for their rivalry with the Crips, the Bloods engage in various illegal activities, including drug trafficking, robbery, and violent assaults.

In Tennessee, they have been associated with several high-profile crimes and shootings. Their members often wear red as a symbol of affiliation and are known for their aggressive tactics to maintain control over territories.

3. Crips

The Crips, like the Bloods, originated in Los Angeles and have spread their influence across the United States, including Tennessee. They are involved in numerous criminal enterprises, primarily drug trafficking and gang violence.

These Are the Five Deadliest Gangs Taking Over Tennessee (1)

In Memphis and Nashville, the Crips have been linked to an increase in violent crime, including shootings and homicides. Their rivalry with the Bloods often results in turf wars that further endanger communities.

4. MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha)

While MS-13 is primarily known for its presence in California and the East Coast, the gang has made inroads into Tennessee in recent years. Composed mainly of immigrants from Central America, MS-13 is notorious for its brutal violence and ruthless tactics.

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Their criminal activities include drug trafficking, human trafficking, and extortion. Law enforcement agencies in Tennessee have reported rising concerns over MS-13’s growing influence, as the gang’s violent reputation poses a significant threat to community safety.

5. Trey 6

Trey 6 is a regional gang that has gained notoriety in Tennessee, particularly in urban areas. They are known for their involvement in drug trafficking and violent crimes, often targeting rival gangs and asserting territorial control through intimidation and violence.

The gang is associated with many shootings and homicides in the state, making them one of the more dangerous groups operating locally. Their rise has prompted law enforcement to increase efforts to dismantle their operations.


The presence of these gangs in Tennessee poses a significant challenge to public safety and community stability. Law enforcement agencies are working diligently to combat gang violence through various strategies, including community outreach, targeted law enforcement operations, and collaboration with local organizations.

Addressing the root causes of gang involvement—such as poverty, lack of education, and limited opportunities—is essential to reducing gang influence and promoting safer communities across the state.

As Tennessee continues to grapple with the implications of gang activity, awareness and proactive measures remain crucial in the fight against crime.

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