How a Houston physical therapist is making health care more inclusive for LGBTQ+ patients


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We all have things we don’t want to discuss with our physicians and other healthcare professionals. And for individuals getting care that is gender affirming, that may be even more true.

For some of the patients who visited his offices at Elevation Physical Therapy, which has locations around Greater Houston, Dr. Roy Rivera found that to be the case.

He found the problem went even deeper when he tried to help these patients feel more comfortable discussing the circumstances they were in. To treat patients who were frequently acclimating to significant changes in their bodies, it was necessary to develop the fundamental physical therapy procedures in addition to creating a more welcoming atmosphere.

Rivera discusses his efforts to become one of the few physical therapy practices in the nation to be certified by the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce in an interview with Houston Matters producer Michael Hagerty. He also discusses what the medical community as a whole can do to be more inclusive, which he believes should be implied.

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