The National Weather Service (NWS) predicted that the Houston region would receive up to 4-6 inches of snow as of Monday afternoon. It would be the most snowfall the city has had since 1960 and maybe one of its heaviest snowfall storms ever if the forecast is accurate.
With the last snowfall in Houston being on February 15, 2021, during the winter storm that left millions of Texans without power, snow is a rare sight. Since the NWS started collecting statistics in 1920, Houston has experienced an inch or more of snow eleven times.
Nine times in the past 129 years, Houston has had more than an inch of snow on a single day.
RELATED: There will be a lot of snowfall in Houston this week, with some places seeing up to 5–6 inches.
The city received 4.8 inches of snow over many days in January and February in 1973, the year with the greatest annual total in Houston, according to NWS records.
The NWS and other sources have documented the following instances in which Houston has received more than an inch of snow in a single day:
Feb. 14, 1895
20 inches (T
his was before the NWS began keeping records, but multiple newspapers from the time reported 20 inches of snow in the area, according to
Space City Weather
Jan. 22, 1940
3 inches
Feb. 12, 1960
3 inches
Jan. 30, 1949
2.6 inches
Dec. 23, 1929
2.5 inches
Jan. 12, 1973
2 inches
Dec. 22, 1989
1.7 inches
Feb. 2, 1980
1.4 inches
Dec. 10, 2008
1.4 inches