NAACP president backs OPIA inspector general bill

Richard T. Smith, president of the New Jersey NAACP, is supporting legislation that would establish an Office of Inspector General for Prosecutorial Review.

The bill would provide for a review of claims of prosecutorial misconduct and was supported by State Senator Joseph Cryan (D-Union).

A truly independent watchdog who will uphold the rule of law by impartially and independently monitoring the Attorney General’s office is long overdue in New Jersey. An Inspector General to guarantee the prompt and equitable enforcement of the law is long overdue for the people of New Jersey.

State Senator Gordon Johnson (D-Englewood) signed the bill this week, and Smith wants senators from both parties to do the same.

According to Smith, New Jersey is among the few states without an Inspector General. Nothing more clearly explains why our state needs this legislation to swiftly become law, especially in light of President Trump’s recent move.

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