Stack bill to extend in-person early voting period in primaries considered today

Legislation introduced by State Senator Brian P. Stack (D-Union City) to extend the early voting period for primary elections from three days to 10 days starting this year will be reviewed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

With 1,172,842 early ballots cast at polling places before Election Day, early voting in New Jersey took off like wildfire in 2024, accounting for 27% of all votes cast. The 860,586 ballots sent in by mail were outnumbered by that figure. In an election with a 64.7% turnout, New Jerseyans voted 50.3% of the time on November 5.

Extended days were only available during presidential years under the original early voting bill. Since last December, Stack, an early voting enthusiast, has been working to extend the in-person early voting period in primaries.

The chairman of the Judiciary panel is Stack.

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