Top animal rights group backs Fulop for governor

With more than 29,000 animal rights advocates around the state, the League of Humane Voters of New Jersey is a grassroots group that has sponsored Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination.

With more police officers certified as humane law enforcement officers than any other municipality, an animal abuse tip line, the addition of animal welfare to the city’s quality of life enforcement team, and reorganized animal control to be in-house, the group highlighted Fulop’s pro-animal rights record in Jersey City.

Fulop is against the contentious bear hunt in New Jersey.

Although LOHVNJ rarely endorses candidates in primaries, Executive Director Angi Metler of LOHVNJ stated, “We decided to do so this year because Mayor Fulop is such an exceptional candidate and a strong supporter of animal protection.” We know Steve Fulop will continue to put animal welfare first in Trenton, just as he did in his many ways as mayor of Jersey City.

Fulop is a true friend to bears and all animals, according to Doreen Frega, the organization’s director of special programs.

“Steven Fulop consistently demonstrated to us that he was a man of his word while serving as Mayor of Jersey City,” she stated.

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