Assembly candidate sued for missing rent payments

According to court documents, a former councilman from Atlantic City who is vying for the State Assembly is being sued for failing to pay his rent.

Weekes is accused by S. Inlet Partners Urban Renewal of not paying more than $2,300 in rent for his unit on Atlantic Avenue.

On March 28, Weekes will appear before Judge James McClain of the Superior Court.

Weekes was hit with a $6,802 judgment by Mariner Finance earlier this year for nonpayment of a loan. Weekes was successfully sued by Bank of America in 2019 for not paying them the $4,587 he owed them.

Weekes is running on a slate led by Democratic gubernatorial candidate Steve Fulop for an Assembly seat in the 2nd legislative district. Weekes has Fulop standing behind him.

The Fulop campaign told the New Jersey Globe, “We don’t think that financial hardship should be a reason to stop someone from running for office, and time will tell what the courts rule in these cases once the public has access to the full backstory.” Since the institutional candidates are afraid and don’t want primaries, we fully expect opposition research reports to be thrown at many of the legislative candidates we support. In actuality, Bruce Weekes, who was elected as Atlantic City’s council president, is still very well-liked in the community.

A message left on Weekes’ cell phone was not immediately answered.

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