Here Are The Top 8 Most Risky Neighborhoods in New York

Here Are The Top 8 Most Risky Neighborhoods in New York

New York City, known for its vibrant culture and iconic landmarks, also has neighborhoods that face significant challenges related to crime and safety.

While many areas have seen improvements in recent years, some still struggle with higher rates of violence and property crime.

Here’s a look at eight neighborhoods in New York that are often considered among the riskiest.

1. Brownsville, Brooklyn

Brownsville has long been known for its high crime rates, particularly violent crimes and gun-related incidents. Efforts to revitalize the area are ongoing, but it remains one of the neighborhoods with a reputation for danger, especially after dark.

2. East New York, Brooklyn

East New York is another Brooklyn neighborhood that has faced challenges with crime. Although community initiatives are working to improve safety, the area still experiences higher-than-average rates of both violent and property crimes, making residents cautious.

3. Harlem, Manhattan

While Harlem has undergone significant gentrification and cultural revival, certain parts of the neighborhood still contend with crime issues. While much of Harlem is safe, some areas continue to report higher instances of robbery and assault.

4. The Bronx (Various Areas)

Parts of the Bronx, particularly neighborhoods like Fordham and Hunts Point, are known for higher crime rates. While community efforts are addressing these issues, residents often remain vigilant about their surroundings.

5. South Jamaica, Queens

Here Are The Top 8 Most Risky Neighborhoods in New York (1)

South Jamaica has a history of crime, particularly related to gang activity and violence. Community organizations are working to improve the situation, but crime rates still cause concern for residents and visitors alike.

6. St. George, Staten Island

Though Staten Island is generally seen as safer than other boroughs, the St. George neighborhood has reported increasing crime rates.

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The area has faced challenges with property crime and occasional violent incidents, making it a spot to watch.

7. Crown Heights, Brooklyn

Crown Heights has seen rising tensions and crime in certain areas. While it’s a vibrant community, residents have reported safety concerns, especially during the night, with an uptick in theft and assault incidents.

8. Bushwick, Brooklyn

Bushwick has transformed into a hip neighborhood filled with art and culture, but it still faces crime challenges. Some parts of Bushwick experience higher levels of property crime, including burglary and vandalism, leading to concerns about safety.


While these neighborhoods have their risks, it’s essential to remember that New York City is constantly evolving. Community initiatives, increased policing, and grassroots efforts are working to reduce crime and improve safety.

If you’re planning to visit or move to any of these areas, staying informed and cautious can help ensure a safer experience. As always, crime can happen anywhere, so it’s important to remain aware of your surroundings no matter where you are in the city.

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