Updated Kansas Traffic Rule: How to Make a Right Turn on a Red in 2024

Updated Kansas Traffic Rule How to Make a Right Turn on a Red in 2024

When you’re waiting at a red light and you want to turn right onto the vacant street ahead, do you recall the feeling of impending frustration? Now, drivers in Kansas, celebrate! The right-turn-on-red (RTOR) rule was recently updated by the state, and it might be the solution to all of your problems. However, it’s imperative that you comprehend the subtleties of the new regulation and manage it carefully before you start swerving around curves like a Formula One driver. Get comfortable, as we are going to delve deeply into the Kansas RTOR update of 2024.


Like many other jurisdictions, Kansas has long permitted right turns on red lights as long as the intersection is clear and the vehicle has completely stopped. There are many who support this rule and many who oppose it, which was put in place to enhance traffic flow. While opponents have worries about the safety of cyclists and pedestrians, supporters contend that it saves time and lessens traffic.

The Revision

Some significant modifications are included in the Kansas RTOR rule update for 2024:

  • Yielding to cyclists and pedestrians: Previously, when a car made a right turn on a red light, they simply had to yield to incoming traffic.
  • The new law requires you to yield to any bicyclists and pedestrians entering the lane you’re turning into, whether or not they are in a crosswalk.
  • Requirement for a complete stop: More than ever, a complete stop is essential. Before going right on red, vehicles must stop completely, not simply slowly.
  • The revised rule emphasizes the significance of having unobstructed visibility prior to turning. Before moving forward, drivers must be able to observe bicyclists, pedestrians, and approaching traffic from both directions. Furthermore, to announce your desire to turn, you must use a turn signal.

Recognizing the New Red Rule Right Turn

  1. The Law: As of right now, cars in Kansas are required to “yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and all oncoming traffic which constitutes an immediate hazard” under the RTOR Act. This entails putting bicycles’ and pedestrians’ safety first before making the turn.
  2. Examples & Scenarios: Envision driving up to a junction where there is a designated right-turn lane and a red signal. This is what you do:
  3. Give up entirely: Aim straight forward and don’t approach it like a rolling stop.
  4. Make sure there is no oncoming traffic. Keep an eye out for any cars that may be approaching from the left or right.
  5. Give way to bicycles and pedestrians: Look out for bicyclists coming from either side as well as those using the crosswalk or the sidewalk. Hold off on turning until everyone has safely crossed if someone is crossing.
  6. Let me know when it’s your turn: To communicate that you intend to turn right, use your turn signal.
  7. Move cautiously forward: When you join the oncoming lane, make the turn carefully and gently, being sure to look both ways for any last-minute cyclists or pedestrians.

Possible Safety Issues and Safety Measures

Although the revised RTOR rule seeks to enhance traffic flow, there may be certain safety concerns:

  1. Increased collisions involving bicycles and pedestrians: It’s possible that cars will misjudge distances or neglect to yield to cyclists and pedestrians when turning right on red.
  2. Rear-end collisions: When a driver stops suddenly to avoid a cyclist or pedestrian, they run the risk of colliding with the car in front of them from behind.
  3. Turning into oncoming traffic: Dangerous turns into oncoming vehicles might result from misjudging the traffic situation or from problems with visibility.

These are some crucial safety measures for drivers to take in order to reduce these risks:

  • Be cautious when approaching intersections: Prior to the intersection, reduce your speed somewhat and be ready to stop entirely.
  • Make a double check for bicycles and pedestrians: Keep an eye out for oncoming bikers and pedestrians by scanning the bike lanes and sidewalks in addition to the crosswalks.
  • Turn signals should be used regularly. To warn other vehicles and pedestrians, give plenty of advance notice when you intend to turn.
  • Never hurry: In case you are uncertain about the presence of pedestrians or incoming vehicles, avoid trying to make a turn or squeeze through a narrow space.

Public View and Community Effect

The revised RTOR regulation is not universally viewed positively. While some drivers are happy about the possibility of better traffic flow, others are worried about the higher risk of collisions involving bikes and pedestrians.

It is now difficult to predict the influence on traffic flow. Faster right turns may relieve congestion at some junctions, but more interactions between cyclists and pedestrians may cause traffic to flow more slowly at other crossroads.

For the revised RTOR rule to be implemented successfully, community education will be essential. Campaigns to raise awareness among motorists, pedestrians, and bicycles can encourage comprehension and adherence, making the roads safer for all users.


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